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Group of cute kids sitting together in forest and looking at camera. Cute children playing

Registration is Open for December Pop-Up Playdates !!

Joaquin Miller Park,  10 am - 12 pm,  Ages 1-4 yrs 

Full Moon

Saturday December 18th 

Full Moon Nature Play Date

Join us for a magical moon themed morning in the woods with stories, snacks, crafts and moon play. 


Tuesday December 21st

Winter Solstice Play Date

Join us for a solstice celebration with stories, snacks, magical potions, nature crafts and a complimentary nature journal.

Sold Out


"Sunlight, natural elements, and open air, contributes to bone development, stronger immune systems, cognitive development, and higher levels of attention and well-being"

Bento and Gias, 2017

Join the email list for early bird registration and grab our FREE East Bay Woods Winter Scavenger Hunt ! 


"If a child is to keep alive his inborn sense of wonder, he needs the companionship of at least one adult who can share it, rediscovering with him the joy, excitement, and mystery of the world we live in."  ~Rachel Carson




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